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How Do You Greet Your Friend?

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Greetings: Which expression should I say?

It starts with a G

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1. What should you say before leaving?

You say this when meeting someone.

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2. You’re happy to be talking and meeting with someone. What do you say

In Bahasa Indonesia, we say “terima kasih”.

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3. Someone did you a favor. What do you say to express your thankfulness?

It start with a P

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4. What do we add in the end of a request to make it more polite

In Bahasa Indonesia, we respond by saying “tidak”

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5. Someone is telling you to do something. You disagree and want to refuse. What do you say in response?

We say this after making a mistake

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6. When is the right situation to say the phrase “I’m sorry”

In bahasa Indonesia, it means “terima kasih kembali”

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7. When do you think is the right situation to say the phrase “You’re welcome”?

It consist of three words.

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8. You like someone, and you want to express that feeling to them. What do you say?

We use this greeting from 8.00 pm to 2.00 am. 

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9. You’re about to go to sleep. What do you say to your parents?

We say this greeting before night time.

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10. What greeting do we use starting from 5.00 pm to 8.00 pm?

It means “apa kabar?”

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11. When do you think is the appropriate situation to say “How are you?”?

In Bahasa Indonesia, we say “tolong”.

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12. You can’t do something by yourself, and you need to ask someone to assist you. What do you say?

You say this at the beginning of the day.

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13. You just woke up and met your mother in the kitchen. What do you say?

In Bahasa Indonesia, we respond by saying “Iya”.

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14. Someone is telling you to do something. You agreed to do it. What do you say in response?

We say this in the middle of the day.

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15. What greeting do we use starting from 12:00 to 16:00?

The first thing you say to someone.

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16. When do you think is the appropriate situation to say “Hello”?

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What is your dream job?

She works at the school.

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1. She’s a teacher. What does she do?

He capture moments and items.

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2. He is a photographer. What is he doing in the picture?

It starts with an S

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3. She has a beautiful voice. Can you guess what her job is?

He arrest bad people

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4. He is a police officer. What does he do?

She works at the kitchen.

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5. What is her job?

He works at the hospital.

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6. He cures your sickness. Guess who he is!

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